تایتل قالب طراحی سایت سئو قالب بیان

Answering Different Question Types - Part two


Multiple choice

Read the question carefully. Sometimes you have to choose one correct answer, sometimes you have to choose more than one answer from a list. Usually, all the choices of answer will be mentioned somewhere in the text. Read carefully to eliminate the answers until you have the correct one.

Look at this example:

Here’s a paragraph from the text:

The average urban resident, for example, rouses at the eye-blearing time of 6.04 a.m., which researchers believe to be far too early. One study found that even rising at 7.00 a.m. has deleterious effects on health unless exercise is performed for 30 minutes afterward. The optimum moment has been whittled down to 7.22 a.m.; muscle aches, headaches and moodiness were reported to be lowest by participants in the study who awoke then.

And here’s the question:

What did researchers identify as the ideal time to wake up in the morning?
A 6.04
B 7.00
C 7.22
D 7.30


From the text we know that 6:04 is ‘far too early’. 7:00 has ‘deleterious effects on health’ - a negative impact. 7:22 is ‘the optimum moment’ and 7:30 isn’t mentioned - although 30 minutes of exercise is.

So the answer is C - the ‘optimum moment’.



True / False / Not given

For many students, the difficulty here is spotting the difference between ‘False’ and ‘Not given’. Sometimes this means ignoring what you think and just concentrating on what the text actually tells you. Look at these examples:

Here’s the text:

This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of bookkeeping and a great deal of hands-on experience.
Code B/ED020
19th April 9am–2.30pm (one session only so advance bookings essential)
Cost $250

And here are the questions:

Q Bookkeeping has no practical component.
Q Bookkeeping is intended for advanced students only.

The first sentence is FALSE because we know that the course has ‘hands-on experience’. The second sentence is NOT GIVEN because nothing in the text tells us about the level of the course.


Yes / No / Not given

This is similar to True/False/Not given – you have to identify the views of the writer. Look at an example:

This is the text:

Helium is even cheerfully derided as a “loner” element since it does not adhere to other molecules like its cousin, hydrogen. According to Dr. Lee Sobotka, helium is the “most noble of gases, meaning it’s very stable and non-reactive for the most part … it has a closed electronic 12 configuration, a very tightly bound atom. It is this coveting of its own electrons that prevents combination with other elements’. Another important attribute is helium’s unique boiling point, which is lower than that for any other element.

And here are the questions:

Q Helium chooses to be on its own.
Q Helium is a very cold substance.

For the first sentence, we know that helium is ‘a loner’ so, YES, the author thinks helium likes to be on its own. We learn too that helium has a low boiling point but we don’t know whether or not it’s very cold so the answer is NOT GIVEN.


 Please share your answers for the question types below in comments and explain why you think so.

Matching information

This type of question tests your scanning ability – looking at the text quickly to find a particular piece of information. You’ll be given a list of pieces of information and the paragraphs of the text will have letters but not every paragraph will necessarily be used. Read the pieces of information first then scan the paragraphs to find a match.

Look at this example:

Here’s a paragraph from the text:

In recent years we have all been exposed to dire media reports concerning the impending demise of global coal and oil reserves, but the depletion of another key non-renewable resource continues without receiving much press at all. Helium – an inert, odourless, monatomic element known to lay people as the substance that makes balloons float and voices squeak when inhaled – could be gone from this planet within a generation.

Which of these pieces of information is in the paragraph?

A a use for helium which makes an activity safer
B the possibility of creating an alternative to helium
C a term which describes the process of how helium is taken out of the ground
D a reason why users of helium do not make efforts to conserve it
E a contrast between helium’s chemical properties and how non-scientists think about it


Matching Headings

This type of question asks you to identify the main idea of a paragraph. It’s different from ‘matching information’ questions where you’re looking for specific information.

Look at this example:

Here are two paragraphs from the text:

A Sensible work practices are an important factor in the prevention of muscular fatigue; discomfort or pain in the arms, neck, hands or back; or eye strain which can be associated with constant or regular work at a keyboard and visual display unit (VDU).
B It is vital that the employer pays attention to the physical setting such as workplace design, the office environment, and placement of monitors as well as the organisation of the work and individual work habits. Operators must be able to recognise work-related health problems and be given the opportunity to participate in the management of these. Operators should take note of and follow the preventive measures outlined below.

And here are some possible headings:

List of Headings
i What makes a good seat?
ii What are the common health problems?
iii What is the best kind of lighting to have?
iv What are the roles of management and workers?
v Why does a VDU create eye fatigue?
vi Where should I place the documents?

What answers match A and B and why? Share your answer and explain why you think so.


Sentence completion

In this type of question you have to fill in gaps using words from the text. Read the question carefully as there will be a word limit and you’ll lose marks for writing too many words. In this example, you must choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text.

Firstly, you should be given an improvement note. This will explain the problem, outline any necessary changes and offer some assistance in correcting the situation. Then, if your employer does not think your performance has improved, you may be given a written warning. The last step is called a final written warning which will inform you that you will be dismissed unless there are improvements in performance. If there is no improvement, your employer can begin the dismissal procedure.

Q If an employee receives a ……………….. , this means he will lose his job if his work does not get better.

The words are in the passage. Which words would you choose?

Share or answer in the comments and explain why you did so.




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این وبلاگ به صورت آزمایشی و جهت انجام تکالیف دوره مجازی «به‌کارگیری فناوری در آموزش زبان انگلیسی» دانشگاه الزهرا (س) طراحی شده است.

محبوبه طبسی - دانشگاه تربیت‌مدرس
فرزانه کارکن - دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
علیرضا صفایی - دانشگاه گیلان